Monday, 27 August 2018

Surrogacy Pregnancy | Second Trimester

I can't believe that I am already writing another trimester update; it only seems like last week since I was able to share my first trimester journey. I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and almost in the single figure countdown!

The second trimester has definitely been the quickest for me so far; no doubt the third will drag the most.
I thought it would be nice to update you on things of which have occured/changed during the second trimester:

Skin changes: In the first trimester my skin broke out and I suffered pretty badly. This happens in all of my pregnancies and I knew that once I hit the second trimester it would clear up; thankfully it has! My skin hasn't been this clear for ages, although it still has a way to go.

Low iron: This isn't something I was surprised about; I had it in my last pregnancy and looking back, I suspect I had it in my first pregnancy as my iron levels dropped so much during the labour that I needed a blood transfusion and suffered a PPH. Currently my levels are 104 and whilst this isn't the lowest, I hope to increase this over the next couple of months.

Big bump: My bump has definitely been doing some growing over the last few months; it is actually my largest bump to date! In both previous pregnancies my bump was measuring behind, whereas this time I am measuring two weeks ahead! A part of me wonders if this is due to only giving birth just over a year ago and that it is not the result of a big baby!

Movement: Baby has been moving a lot and is a night time wriggler. As my placenta is posterior this time, I have been able to see the movements a lot earlier and clearer; babies mum also got to feel her little one moving a few weeks ago which was amazing!

Weight gain: Despite my bump being the biggest I have had, my weight gain hasn't been as huge as I thought it would be. I started off the pregnancy at 8 stone 7lb and am now weighing 9 stone. I did lose half a stone in the first trimester due to constant nausea and sickness, so technically I have gained a stone. With my last pregnancy I gained around a stone and a half so fingers crossed this will be the same.

Anti D injection: This is something of which I dread in every pregnancy. My blood type is A- which means I need an Anti D jab at 28 weeks and after the labour. I also need to have one within 24 hours of having any fall or bleed. The reason for this injection is to ensure that both myself and the baby are safe. If any of the babies blood enters my bloodstream, my immune system may react to the Anti D in the babies blood; my body could produce antibodies against it and attack the blood cells of the baby. The Anti D injection helps to guard against this.

Trouble sleeping: This is nothing new as I have never been a great sleeper, especially since having my youngest. But I have found it harder to find a comfortable position as I'm usually a tummy sleeper. I think I will have to start hunting for a good pregnancy pillow in the next few weeks as I threw my last one away!

We are finally on the home stretch and, strangely, I'm really looking forward to the labour!


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