Sunday 18 August 2019

Florrie | On Your Second Birthday

I still can't quite believe that two whole years have passed since you entered this world at lightening speed; in the two years since then, you haven't slowed down at all. This last year we have enjoyed a lot more one on one time than we usually would have due to me taking an extended maternity leave.
This time together has given me more of an insight into your developing personality and it has surprised me.

Monday 12 August 2019

AD| Sandpit DIY Fun with Big Game Hunters

The sandy beaches of Wales have always been one of my favourite places; unfortunately for me, Florrie isn't too fond of having sand at her feet and will scream as though the world is ending whenever she is placed on a beach.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

AD| Finding University Childcare with

One of the first things that came into my head when receiving my University offer was childcare and how I would manage it. The way in which my university arranges their Midwifery degree is in integrated placements; I will have two full uni days a week and will also have to work on placement around this. The hours I work can range from 60 to over 90 hours per month.