Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Student Midwife Life | How To Survive Night Shifts

For the next few months I am working in a hospital for my placement; the shifts consist of long day shifts and night shifts. My mentor prefers night shifts, so the majority of the shifts I have done so far have been 19:30 starts until 08:00 the following morning.
Night shifts are not for everyone - you either love them or hate them. I had never done a night shift before this placement, so I wasn't sure what to expect. So far I am loving them, but there were a few things that I had to adjust in order to fully prepare myself for them and to ensure that I was safe to be working.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Student Midwife Life | Term One

I can't believe I am sat here discussing my first term of University; it has literally gone in a blink of an eye and I can't believe that I will soon be starting my second term and placement. It has been amazing, overwhelming, draining, and so much more all rolled into a space of just a few months, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Bereavement Midwifery

Every day, approximately nine babies are born sleeping, an average of 3,400 a year. Keeping in mind that this only accounts for babies born after 24 weeks gestation and does not include neonatal deaths (a death during the first 28 days of life).

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

A New Path.

I have been itching to write this post for some time, but I held back. Mainly in fear of jinxing all of my hard work and letting everyone down, but finally I can make it public and document my new career journey.