Wednesday 23 May 2018

Irish Termination Referendum - Yes or No?

After hearing so much about the upcoming referendum in Ireland regarding the countries termination laws on the news, along with many other blog posts discussing the topic such as Sarah's, I felt compelled to discuss my views as this is something that I feel rather strongly over.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Tips For Indoor Date Night

As a parent, date nights are a rather rare occurence these days; tight purse strings and no babysitters can cause a challenge. Due to this, we have had to adjust our date nights - no more out on the town for dinner and drinks! Our date nights now consist of evenings in with a good film and a take away.
Here are a few ideas for an indoor date night with your other half:

Thursday 17 May 2018

My Surrogacy Journey | An Update

This is a post that I have debated publishing; not because I feel that the subject of surrogacy needs to be hidden or that it's something to be ashamed about. I actually feel quite the opposite - I want to shout it from the rooftops as it is something that I have been so passionate about over the last fifteen years.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Summer Infant Slumber Melodies Bear Review

Sleep hasn't been a known concept for me over the last eight months; Florrie is the ultimate sleep thief and she definitely thinks it is for the weak. I plan on sharing a post about our sleeping arrangements in the next few weeks but wanted to share an item that has definitely helped, especially with nap times and self soothing.