Thursday 7 December 2017

The Children's Chariot - Yippie Yo Review

Living in Wales, we are very lucky to get to experience a variety of different landscapes; we have the cities, the beaches, woodland walks and mountain terrains. Now that Aoife is older, we want her to explore exactly what Wales has to offer. 

Friday 1 December 2017

The Second Born Bond

The bond between a mother and their child is said to be instant, natural, unbreakable. A lot of people find it hard to believe that this doesn't always happen straight away. I will openly admit that I was one of these people, who always wondered "how?"; how can a mother not bond with their child straight away after going through the trials of pregnancy, the processes behind adoption or surrogacy. Just how can they not feel that overwhelming love and connection to their little one?

Thursday 23 November 2017

Xmas Gift Guide for Children - 0 to 5

I always find children hard to buy for, especially younger ones who aren't too sure on what they want. Also, you never know what they already have which makes things even more harder! I've narrowed down a few gift ideas for children aged zero to five to help you out this Christmas.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Winter Woodland Style with me&i- Review

If you know me, then you will know that I am a huge fan of "fast fashion" and wouldn't bat an eyelid at spending £50 on several items from Primark over one good quality peace. This is doing nothing for my bank balance as I get sucked in each time high street stores have new stock and end up having to replace items quickly as the quality is never the best.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Xmas Gift Guide for Mums and Mums to Be

Now that Halloween and Bonfire Night have passed, we can finally start thinking of the dreaded C word! There's nothing worse than buying Christmas gifts last minute or having no idea what to get for your loved ones. 
With this in mind, I have compiled some Gift Guides which I hope will help a few of you. The first is for any Mums or Mums to Be in your life; a few of these would actually work for any lady!

Wednesday 8 November 2017

The Facebook Birth Groups

When I found out that I was pregnant with Aoife, I downloaded a pregnancy app where I could chat to other women who were due in the same month that I was.
This led to a secret Facebook group being created to ensure that everyone was who they said they were. We had everyone you could think of; the nervous first time mums to those who were on their eighth child.

Thursday 26 October 2017

What's in a Name?

When I first found out I was pregnant in 2014, I already knew what I would call the baby had it been a girl. I've never had any favourite boys names but I always fell in love quite easily with girls names, particularly the one I had in mind for my eldest.

Monday 23 October 2017

The Perfect Parent Brigade

From the moment you are born, you are set out to be judged; from when you are a newborn and people ask your parents if you are a "good" baby to your choice of hairstyle in high school.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

ToddleBike 2 Review

I'm not too sure about anyone else, but it seems that our toddler has a slight obsession with trikes; we currently have approximately five stored away in our shed. Now I have nothing against trikes, but Aoife is now of an age where I want her to progress to a two wheeler.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Water Confidence

When I was younger I was a real little water baby; I was obsessed with swimming and the best part of a holiday for me was the swimming pool.
As I got older, my love of swimming lingered, however I sadly pushed it aside due to body confidence issues. It is one of those things that I truly regret and I vowed to make sure that my children were never scared of the water.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Part Time Prejudice

Before Aoife was born, I worked full time in a twenty four hour contact centre for an airline. My shifts would range from 7am to 11pm, seven days a week. I enjoyed my job and had a tight knit team of whom I had developed friendships with over the three and a half years that I had been working there for.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Nursery Nightmares

I have previously touched on Aoife's nursery experience on my blog; she started attending a day nursery when she was only five months old and has always loved her time there. That is, until recently. Over the last six months we have had tears during ninety per cent of her drop offs.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

You're Going To Be A Big Sister!

I'm sat here writing this as you sleep next to me; I would like to say peacefully but that would be a lie. Even when you are sleeping, you still create so much noise with your snoring, grunting and thrashing around - I've ended up with quite a few bruises from you kicking out in your sleep over the last couple of years.

Monday 26 June 2017

Fed is Best.

I'm pro breastfeeding, I'm pro bottlefeeding, I'm pro SNS feeding; long story short, I am pro feeding. I believe that fed is always best, regardless of how it is established.
What I don't believe in is women being belittled for their feeding choices; it is something of which I have been seeing more and more of recently and it disheartens me.

Monday 12 June 2017

Pregnancy and the Terrible Twos.

Within three weeks of having Aoife I was broody all over again; the new series of One Born Every Minute had started and we already had an extra addition to the family too. 
I always knew that I wanted more than one child, preferably with a small age gap too. I genuinely think that if I had been give the green light, I would have tried for another baby before Aoife was six months old; it's so true what they say, pregnancy and being a mum is like nothing else.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Is My Child An Introvert?

'Solitude matters, and for some people, it's the air they breathe'
Susan Cain
Something has been playing on my mind for a while now; something that I never thought I would question, especially this soon on into my daughter's life. Is Aoife an introvert, a loner (don't shoot me for using that word!)?

Wednesday 15 March 2017

This Time Around.

It's common knowledge that all pregnancies are different; I am definitely aware of this! My biggest hurdle this time round has definitely been sickness and nausea - something of which I didn't experience during my pregnancy with Aoife.

Monday 6 February 2017

The Silence Of A Loss

Loss: noun
The feeling of grief after losing someone or something of value.

Thursday 19 January 2017

An Open Letter to my Almost Two Year Old.

Two years old. When on earth did that happen?

This time last year I was planning what to do for your First birthday and the year before that I was 29 weeks pregnant and getting more and more impatient by the day.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Baby Blues - My Experience

We have all heard of the phrase 'the baby blues' at some point in time.

What a lot of people don't realise is just how many mothers, and even fathers, can be affected by Post Natal Depression (PND). This can range from mild, feeling low days to suffering from psychosis.
Studies have found that between ten and fifteen in every one hundred women are affected by this illness, along with one in ten fathers. When looking at these figures, it is clear that PND is just as common in men as it is in women. (