Thursday, 3 September 2020

Beautiful Ways to Mark a New Addition to Your Family

Image from Pexels - CC0 License


A new member of your family is a wonderful thing, whether your baby has finally arrived or you're adopting an older child. It's an occasion that needs to be marked and celebrated. You're not likely to forget it any time soon, but it's nice to have some mementos or do something that marks the event so you can make it really special. When your family is growing, you might want to invite your friends and family to celebrate with you in some way or just let them know that you have something to celebrate. You could do several different things to mark this special event.


Make an Announcement


When you have a new member of the family, telling everyone you know is one of the first things that you usually want to do. Of course, you might want to have a little privacy before you let anyone else in on the big news. There are a few different ways you could make an announcement about your new bundle of joy. You have the more traditional options, like sending a card or photo around to friends and family. Or you could take the more modern approach, using social media or even setting up a website to make your announcement.


Image from Pexels - CC0 License

Have a Photoshoot


It's easier than ever to take photos of your family. You're sure to find yourself taking plenty of photos, but you could also think about something more professional than something on your phone camera. Look for local photography services offering newborn or family portraits for a photoshoot to mark the occasion. Newborn photos are fun, but you can also wait until your baby is a little older if you prefer. Your photos could be used for an announcement, or you might want to frame them for your home.


Create a Memory Box


A memory box could be another fantastic way to do something special when your family is growing. It's something that you can treasure for a long time and look at if you want to reminisce about when your child was younger. There are lots of things that you can put in a memory box, from your newborn baby's hospital bracelet to a lock of hair, photos, or other items that will remind you of the first weeks and months with your child. The box itself could be anything, whether it's a shoebox or something more decorative, but think about how to protect its contents.


Image from Pexels - CC0 License

Throw a Party


Any excuse to throw a party is a good reason for a lot of people, but a new member of the family is definitely worth celebrating. If you have a newborn baby, you might not want to celebrate right away, but planning for a party later could be fun. Lots of parents have a christening or naming ceremony, or you might just have a "welcome to the world" party. It can be as big or small as you want it to be, with whoever you want to invite.


Do something to mark the beautiful new addition to your family, whether big or small, to make some special memories.


*Disclosure - this is a collaborative post* 



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