Saturday, 3 November 2018

Surrogacy Pregnancy | Third Trimester

How on earth am I already posting about my third trimester of this pregnancy?! It only seems like yesterday when the fertility treatment was underway and we were all patiently waiting on two blue lines during the dreaded two week wait.

At this present moment I am 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant; with every twinge I get excited and my hospital bag is packed and stored in surro bub's car. This trimester has actually gone rather fast, which I certainly didn't expect it to! Although now that we are nearing D Day, I'm pretty sure that the days will start to drag and I am almost certain that I will go overdue.
A few things that have gone on over the last few weeks are:

Low iron: As mentioned in my second trimester update, my iron levels are low and have since dropped again from 104 to 95. The medication that I was initially prescribed didn't work well and the Spatone didn't help increase my levels either. I have been on new medication which hasn't been so harsh on me and am currently waiting on my blood results. My local MLU has a cut off point of 85 for iron so I am hoping that I don't fall underneath that.

Bump: My bump has definitely grown again but seems to have slowed down now, thankfully! According to a recent scan, baby is currently weighing approximately 7lb 1oz (the smallest of them all!) and I have a lot of waters, which I've not experienced before. I'm keeping everything crossed that my waters don't break until the end like both of my other labours!

Movement: Movements have been regular and consistent with little one and they have developed their own pattern. We have had one bout of reduced movements which saw me on a monitor in hospital for all of ten minutes. As one movement was recorded, the staff were "happy" with this; I however was not. One movement doesn't indicate anything for me as the pattern was completely different to what I had been experiencing for the last few months. I expressed this to the staff and they arranged a scan for later that day; luckily all was well and movements returned to normal later that evening.

Contractions: Yes, we have had our first lot of contractions! I was on my way to the library at 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant when I started to get the tell tale signs in my back alongside an agonising pain in my right hand side (enough to reduce me to tears!). By this point no hospital bags had been packed so I flung a few things into a bag and we all headed to the hospital. After being hooked onto a trace for a good hour or so, the midwife confirmed that I was definitely contracting and baby would be arriving within 48 hours! Unfortunately, when she did the internal examination she confirmed that I wasn't dilated! Not what you want to hear when going through the motions of breathing through contractions. Eventually everything died down and I was let home later that evening. 

Heartburn: This has got to be the worst part of all my pregnancies. I love spicy foods which also doesn't help the situation, alongside my current craving of tortilla crisps and spicy cheese nacho dip! A friend of mine recommended Zantac and it has helped me to no end; definitely the best purchase during the whole 9 months!

So that is my most recent, and last, pregnancy update! The next one you will probably get to read will be about surro bub's birth! 


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