Thursday 7 April 2016

Choosing the right nursery.

When people think of nursery, the majority tend to imagine three or four year olds running around causing havoc. It's the first step before reception class in primary schools and years ago, children wouldn't attend before this age due to the high amount of mothers who wouldn't return to work before their child started school.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

The parent I wanted to be.

I always knew that I wanted my own family. When I found out I was pregnant, I already knew what type of parent I wanted to be:

Baby wearing
No dummy
No shouting/telling off
Organic, homemade foods
No TV or electronics
No co sleeping
No sugary drinks


Monday 4 April 2016


The number one. Such a small number, yet in the right context is such a significant and important one.
This weekend the number one marked, for me, one whole year of parenthood. One whole year where I managed to keep my daughter alive and away from harm. I also managed a whole year of not pulling my hair out! Although I will admit it got pulled out a few times by my little cherub!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Who am I?

Who exactly am I? When I think of that, the first thing I think is a mother; not a wife, friend, 26 soon to be 27 year old. It is true that you do lose yourself when you become a mum, to do so is almost like a rite of passage. You will become an expert on baby poop, temperatures and what can and can't be done. In the beginning, all you will talk about is babies. That's what it felt like to me and in all honesty, yes I bored myself.

Monday 21 March 2016

Five wishes for your children.

If you had five wishes for your children, what would they be?

Thursday 17 March 2016

Every Movement Matters

The first time I felt some sort of movement during my pregnancy was the day after my 12 week scan (turns out I was actually 14 weeks along). I was at a spa day about to have a massage when I felt what I can only describe as popping in my stomach. 


Monday 14 March 2016

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Being judged is something that we all experience at one point or another - this can happen at any age;  from being judged for playing with the "wrong" gender toys when you're a child, to not going to the "cool" clubs at 18.