Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Think Before You Type.

Everyone has seen those cryptic Facebook statuses which apparently are to help raise awareness for different diseases and conditions; from telling everyone your current bra colour or stating a number linked to your relationship status. I have always wondered what these actually achieve? Surely a donation to a charity would help more than a Facebook post which actually doesn't link to the condition that it claims to be raising awareness for?

Recently I have noticed that these statuses have taken an alarming turn in the shape of false pregnancy announcements. I have always detested these statuses which generally tend to appear on April Fool's Day - so much so that I refused to announce the birth of my own daughter as she was born on that day.

It is always one of those things that should never be joked about - so many people have experienced the loss of a child and many more will also never be gifted with the experience of being a parent.

However, it now appears that these false pregnancy announcements are being used to promote breast cancer awareness. "How?" you may wonder? I honestly couldn't tell you - it's absurd! I personally see this as attention seeking. If you truly wanted to help raise awareness for breast cancer or any other illness, then make it clear; post a graph outlining all of the symptoms or how to check yourself. Do not pretend to be pregnant - you don't know what some people reading it may be going through.

A good friend of mine recently experienced the devastating loss of her daughter at 25 weeks gestation. It's an absolutely heartbreaking situation that no one should ever have to go through. She was subjected to a false pregnancy announcement for breast cancer which angered and upset her, along with myself and others.

Let's not forget those men and women who have tried for a child for years, who may now be battling with IVF attempts, or those whose only hope now may be surrogacy or adoption.

Finally, let's also think of those women who have kicked breast cancer's ass, but in doing so are now unable to have children due to side effects of some of the drugs used to help combat the disease.

Yes, the option to have eggs frozen is there for these women, but this is not 100 per cent successful.

Surely from this perspective, people should realise that their attempt at raising awareness could actually be a kick in the teeth for a survivor? I cannot imagine the anger and upset that this would cause someone in any of these positions.

Please think twice before you post one of those statuses. If you truly want to raise awareness, then do it in a more effective way rather than causing people unnecessary hurt and upset.


  1. Really good points here Jenna. Social media does so much good but it can lead to thoughtlessness too.

    1. It definitely can raise so much awareness provided it is done in the right way xx

  2. I haven't seen this one yet but i'm sure I will at some point. I agree with you. Most of the time social media is fantastic but a lot of the type people don't read things properly or think about what they say and write x

    1. Definitely agree - I don't think it's a malicious thing at all, just that people maybe don't look at their post from other people's points of view? x

  3. I had a similar experience a few years ago when someone announced an April Fool's pregnancy not long after I'd had a miscarriage. It really wasn't funny to me. Great post x

    1. I'm sorry to hear that hun. It's gotten to me a lot recently x

  4. These words are needed and people need to listen. We never know what is going on with somebody else. Be kind and think first.

  5. I haven't come across any of these, thankfully. People just don't think sometimes, do they?
    Alana x
