Thursday, 3 January 2019

2018 - My Year in Review

I'm going to start this post the same way in which I started my 2017 Reflection post; how quick has this year gone?!
So much has happened in 2018 that I don't quite know where to begin.

New Year, New Phone? iPhone X Review

I have pretty much been an iPhone person for the better part of a decade; almost ten years ago I traded in my Blackberry for an iPhone 3G and that was that, there was no going back.
You can only imagine my excitement when I was recently asked by Three if I would like to review the new iPhone X - I jumped at the chance straight away. I had only just upgraded to an iPhone 8 so wanted to see how it compared. When it comes to phones, I like something that is easy to use, good battery life and a good camera, so I was intrigued with the iPhone X.


Saturday, 8 December 2018

Tearing Up The Rulebook This Christmas

The 25th is around the corner and that means one thing; Christmas traditions! Get ready to break out the jumpers and the eggnog because you do it every year. This year though, you want to try something new. After all, it's hard to break the suspicion that the novelty has worn thin and is taking away from the festive experience. Hopefully, something new and unpredictable will give Christmas its edge back so that you can enjoy it in an entirely new way. 

Monday, 3 December 2018

Christmas Gift Guide For All

Yes, it's that time of year again! It's Christmas time! This year I decided to be a bit more organised and can safely say that I have finished approximately 90% of my shopping.
However, if you are not as organised or just need a few last minute ideas, I hope that this guide can help you.