Monday 18 December 2017

Drowning in the Parenthood Puddle

Is it just me or do any other parents currently feel like they are drowning in the parenthood puddle, or maybe ocean is a better word? The ocean in the grips of a horrific storm with fifty foot waves crashing down over you every time you break the surface for a gulp of air?

Thursday 7 December 2017

The Children's Chariot - Yippie Yo Review

Living in Wales, we are very lucky to get to experience a variety of different landscapes; we have the cities, the beaches, woodland walks and mountain terrains. Now that Aoife is older, we want her to explore exactly what Wales has to offer. 

Friday 1 December 2017

The Second Born Bond

The bond between a mother and their child is said to be instant, natural, unbreakable. A lot of people find it hard to believe that this doesn't always happen straight away. I will openly admit that I was one of these people, who always wondered "how?"; how can a mother not bond with their child straight away after going through the trials of pregnancy, the processes behind adoption or surrogacy. Just how can they not feel that overwhelming love and connection to their little one?

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Lifecake Review

I have always been obsessed with photographs; when I was in my teens there was nothing I didn’t enjoy more than taking photos on a disposable camera with friends and getting them developed. There was always something so special about holding a physical photograph in my hand and being able to keep them; back then there wasn’t a huge social media presence for photographs to be uploaded. Facebook and Instagram didn’t exist; the most we had were MySpace and Bebo which were filled with grainy webcam photos.