Tuesday 31 October 2017

Inspired Wallpaper Review

If I could have any job in the world it would be as an interior designer; there is nothing better than shopping for new homeware bits or to browse Pinterest for inspiration. When we bought our house back in February I couldn't wait to redecorate and put our own stamp on it. 

Sunday 29 October 2017

Turtle Bay Swansea Review

When it comes to eating out, I'm pretty easy to please and much prefer a pub lunch over a tiny à la carte meal. However, I am also a creature of habit and don't like to stray too far from certain eateries or foods that I know I like. With that in mind, I was slightly apprehensive when we were invited to review the menu at Turtle Bay which has just recently opened in Swansea. The furthest I tend to go with trying dishes from another country is ordering a Chinese takeaway, so I was slightly nervous with trying out Caribbean cuisine.

Thursday 26 October 2017

What's in a Name?

When I first found out I was pregnant in 2014, I already knew what I would call the baby had it been a girl. I've never had any favourite boys names but I always fell in love quite easily with girls names, particularly the one I had in mind for my eldest.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sarah Debnam Birth Photography Review

 "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still" - Dorothea Lange
I am a firm believer in that photographs can speak a thousand words and capture a persons raw emotion. Our home has photo frames and albums scattered everywhere, filled with photographs of our memories as a couple and then as a family.