Tuesday, 17 October 2017

ToddleBike 2 Review

I'm not too sure about anyone else, but it seems that our toddler has a slight obsession with trikes; we currently have approximately five stored away in our shed. Now I have nothing against trikes, but Aoife is now of an age where I want her to progress to a two wheeler.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Water Confidence

When I was younger I was a real little water baby; I was obsessed with swimming and the best part of a holiday for me was the swimming pool.
As I got older, my love of swimming lingered, however I sadly pushed it aside due to body confidence issues. It is one of those things that I truly regret and I vowed to make sure that my children were never scared of the water.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

SRI Toys Review

When it comes to children's toys, I love traditional wooden ones which help their imagination thrive and can assist with their learning too.
SRI Toys are a company which specialise in wooden toys of which encourage your child's fine motor skills, social interaction and speech development - these in itself make the toys perfect to be played with others or by themselves with their imagination.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Part Time Prejudice

Before Aoife was born, I worked full time in a twenty four hour contact centre for an airline. My shifts would range from 7am to 11pm, seven days a week. I enjoyed my job and had a tight knit team of whom I had developed friendships with over the three and a half years that I had been working there for.