Tuesday, 11 October 2022

How Cycling Can Help Your Mental Health


Everyone, no matter how well they are doing and feeling, is looking to improve or keep their mental health in good balance. We know that being in nature, having enough rest, and having a reasonably healthy diet are some of the ways that we can achieve some good mental wellness. But did you know that cycling can help in a big way?


Here are a few ways to get out on the bike to boost your mental health. 


Photo by Nuno Ricardo on Unsplash

Pressure free

Unlike when you head to the gym or book workout classes, riding your bike is pressure free. You don’t have to be faster, go further or be a world-class cyclist. You can take it at a pace that suits you, and what's more, is that you can head out any time of day or night. 


Cycling is easy to fit into your day, and can even replace your regular work commute if you don’t work too far away from home. 

Stress reduction

It might be surprising, but studies suggest that people who regularly cycle are 15% more satisfied with their lives than those who don’t. We know that almost any workout is going to help reduce stress levels, but cycling can offer the added benefit of good views too. 


Thirty minutes of cycling in a park or around some water can boost creativity and reduce stress for the rest of the day. Doing it daily will keep those stress levels low and your creativity cup overflowing. 


If you struggle with anxiety, you’ll probably be on the look out for things that can help your anxieties be reduced and calmed. Aerobic exercises are shown to reduce the feelings of anxiety and upset. And while it is unlikely that it could stop and attack when it has already started, if you can take to the bike as you feel it coming on, you might be able to stave it off. 


In general, people who ride a bike every day are shown to be 18% happier when compared with those who don’t.


Any time of aerobic activity will help, but bike riding is low impact, which means it is easier on many different bodies. 


How often do you get outside for the sake of it? For so many people, the daily routine involves very little outside time, and almost none of that is for pleasure. Instead, it is for commuting, picking up their kids from school, and even hanging up washing on the line. 


Riding a bike is one of the best ways to get a daily dose of the great outdoors: fresh air and plenty of that all-important vitamin D. 


If you have friends or family members looking to increase fitness or just get into a hobby for fun, cycling can be it! So long as you preplan a route that means there is enough space for bikes to be side by side, you can cycle and talk. /as you get more comfortable with the balance and changing speeds with ease, you’ll find it no issue to have a conversation as you go. 


One of the best things about cycling, is that once you have mastered the basics, cycling holidays are some of the best family holidays you can have! Check out more great options (including cycling) here: Looking For Your Next Family Vacation?


 *Disclosure - this is a collaborative post*