Saturday 6 May 2023

Working at Home When Your Child is Unwell: 3 Lifesaving Tactics


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The first few years of our child's life can feel like we are having to muddle through while doing our job at the same time, and therefore, the day they
go to school can be a massive relief because you've got a lot more breathing space but there is that sense of dread that your child gets ill can creep up at any moment. You could drop your child off at school and have a call 30 minutes later that you've got to take a 90-minute round trip to collect them because they're sick, meaning that it will impact your work for the foreseeable future. It is such a difficult thing, but let's show you what you can do to get through this juggling act.

Be Upfront With Your Employer

Some people have no choice but to try and get work done, especially those who are self-employed, but there are also those who are blessed with employers that understand. Lots of companies are doing their best to become more flexible and are incorporating hybrid workplace training models so they can prepare for these situations, but we can't help but feel that we're causing problems because our kids are unwell. 

The best thing we can do is to communicate with everybody that matters and let them know our child is ill, and if anything changes, we will let them know. Depending on their illness, you may be able to predict how long they'll be unwell, and schedule some work to keep things on track. However, nobody is psychic, and things could certainly change!

Get Your Child to Sleep So You Can Get Stuff Done!

When your child is not very well, they want their mummy, and this means you will end up trying to type with one hand and cuddling your child with the other. The best thing you can do is to get your child to sleep, so if there is anything urgent, you can get it done. 

Sometimes when our kids finally get off to sleep in the afternoon, we can feel so exhausted because of the overthinking and stress that we just want to have a break ourselves. At this point, you could certainly do some relaxation exercises if they help you, but sometimes it can make you feel like you've accomplished a lot more by getting those urgent tasks done.

Keep Your Energy Levels Up

It's tiring looking after sick kids and trying to get any sort of work done. We can feel frazzled and emotionally fraught, not to mention feeling like we're failing at work and parenting. At this point, snacks and ensuring your energy levels can stay high until your child is tucked up in bed at night is the best thing you can do. 

There is no point in trying to work yourself to the bone to get something done, especially if it can wait until your child is better. This is why we have to also take care of ourselves, which is something that we can almost forget about.


It is incredibly tough, but when you are working at home and your child is unwell, the best thing you can do is to try and get through it. You’re doing your best, and that is good enough!


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