Monday 24 June 2019

Surrogacy | Can I Breastfeed My Child Born Through Surrogacy?

One question that I see asked constantly by intended mothers is "will I be able to breastfeed my baby once they are born?" ... the short answer is that yes, it is possible. The long answer is that you need to be prepared to fight to obtain the required medication, and that there is a chance that induced lactation may not be successful and if it is, then you may not have a full supply. Induced lactation takes perseverance, commitment, and a thick skin. You need to be prepared for the fact that it may not be successful, and that supplementing or combi feeding may have to be an option. Also, be prepared to smell of maple syrup for a while!

Thursday 20 June 2019

[AD] Megahome Distiller Review

Since becoming a mum, I have become very conscious of what my daughters consume with their food and drinks. Neither of the girls have ever touched a fizzy drink, and hopefully never will, and only have juices when we are eating out. At home and at school they will only drink water; luckily they both love it so we have never had any issues.

Monday 17 June 2019

Surrogacy Stories | Katie's* Journey

Whilst my surrogacy journey is over (for now), I still want to help create awareness. I have decided to share other surrogates stories, along with stories from Intended Parents about their journeys into surrogacy.
My first post is from Katie* who is a first time traditional surrogate and has been kind enough to allow me to post her story.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

A New Path.

I have been itching to write this post for some time, but I held back. Mainly in fear of jinxing all of my hard work and letting everyone down, but finally I can make it public and document my new career journey.

Thursday 6 June 2019

[AD] Fathers Day Gift Guide

In ten days time it will be Father's Day! How quick has the year gone. If you are a last minute buyer like myself, this guide will be perfect for you.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Four Unique Ideas For Breaks Here In The UK

Holidays in the UK aren’t what they used to be. Or is it that recently our minds have been opened up to new experiences? Anyway, sometimes people would prefer to jump on a plane and head off somewhere. That might even mean you are heading to the UK for a holiday. So with that in mind, here are some of the different unique breaks you can have in the UK. Maybe it will inspire you to think outside the box for your next jaunt.