Wednesday 27 April 2016

A Letter to the Pregnant Me.

To Pregnant Me.

Firstly, let's get one thing straight. You are not fat, you are pregnant - there's a big difference. Your body is carrying and growing a human being. Don't worry about the weight you put on. I'll let you in on a secret - you will actually only gain just under a stone and a half in weight.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Then there were four?

This is not a pregnancy announcement, I repeat, this is not a pregnancy announcement. I most certainly do not have a bun in the oven. But I will admit that I cannot wait for a second baby. Despite a few horrible weeks during my pregnancy; horrific back pain and heartburn so bad that I was throwing up most nights (and no, the old wives tale isn't true - my daughter was born bald and over a year later she is still waiting on hair!), I cannot wait to have a bump again. I certainly didn't appreciate being pregnant the first time round and I do regret that.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Back to work I go.

The inevitable has arrived - I'm heading back to work.
I've managed to have a lovely, almost, fourteen months off work, with the odd KIT day and overtime thrown in for good measure to keep me fresh and sane. I tell a lie, I've actually been in work on training for the last five or so weeks, but have yet to do a "real" shift.

Friday 8 April 2016

Nursery: My experience.

After writing about how to choose a nursery, I thought I would discuss my own personal experience, along with the stigma and worries attached to leaving your child with someone you don't know.

I always knew that my daughter would need to go to nursery eventually. Leaving my job was never an option for me, despite being able to live on my husband's then salary. I actually enjoyed my job; the perks, the people and having my own income.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Choosing the right nursery.

When people think of nursery, the majority tend to imagine three or four year olds running around causing havoc. It's the first step before reception class in primary schools and years ago, children wouldn't attend before this age due to the high amount of mothers who wouldn't return to work before their child started school.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

The parent I wanted to be.

I always knew that I wanted my own family. When I found out I was pregnant, I already knew what type of parent I wanted to be:

Baby wearing
No dummy
No shouting/telling off
Organic, homemade foods
No TV or electronics
No co sleeping
No sugary drinks


Monday 4 April 2016


The number one. Such a small number, yet in the right context is such a significant and important one.
This weekend the number one marked, for me, one whole year of parenthood. One whole year where I managed to keep my daughter alive and away from harm. I also managed a whole year of not pulling my hair out! Although I will admit it got pulled out a few times by my little cherub!