Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Lifecake Review

I have always been obsessed with photographs; when I was in my teens there was nothing I didn’t enjoy more than taking photos on a disposable camera with friends and getting them developed. There was always something so special about holding a physical photograph in my hand and being able to keep them; back then there wasn’t a huge social media presence for photographs to be uploaded. Facebook and Instagram didn’t exist; the most we had were MySpace and Bebo which were filled with grainy webcam photos.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Xmas Gift Guide for Children - 0 to 5

I always find children hard to buy for, especially younger ones who aren't too sure on what they want. Also, you never know what they already have which makes things even more harder! I've narrowed down a few gift ideas for children aged zero to five to help you out this Christmas.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Winter Woodland Style with me&i- Review

If you know me, then you will know that I am a huge fan of "fast fashion" and wouldn't bat an eyelid at spending £50 on several items from Primark over one good quality peace. This is doing nothing for my bank balance as I get sucked in each time high street stores have new stock and end up having to replace items quickly as the quality is never the best.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Xmas Gift Guide for Men

I don't know if it is just my husband, but he is horrific to buy for. Everything he needs or wants he just buys for himself, so when it comes to Christmas there is nothing for me to get him. Every time I ask him what he wants, his response is "nothing" which isn't very helpful at all.
If your husband, father, brother or any man in your life is the same, then I hope you get some inspiration from this guide!


Saturday, 11 November 2017

Xmas Gift Guide for Mums and Mums to Be

Now that Halloween and Bonfire Night have passed, we can finally start thinking of the dreaded C word! There's nothing worse than buying Christmas gifts last minute or having no idea what to get for your loved ones. 
With this in mind, I have compiled some Gift Guides which I hope will help a few of you. The first is for any Mums or Mums to Be in your life; a few of these would actually work for any lady!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The Facebook Birth Groups

When I found out that I was pregnant with Aoife, I downloaded a pregnancy app where I could chat to other women who were due in the same month that I was.
This led to a secret Facebook group being created to ensure that everyone was who they said they were. We had everyone you could think of; the nervous first time mums to those who were on their eighth child.

Friday, 3 November 2017

JewelleryBox Review and Giveaway

I was recently contacted by JewelleryBox, an online jewellery retailer, to see if I wanted to test out a few pieces from their range. I'm a big jewellery person, but with two little ones I rarely treat myself to any new sparkles.