Wednesday 10 October 2018

Christmas Toys And The Benefits Of Play

With Christmas in the not too distant future, many parents are starting the frenzy of Christmas shopping. As parents we spend an extortionate amount of money on toys every year, why do we do it? We do it to please our little ones by getting the “next big thing”, to ensure they get the same as their friends and to create childhood memories which last a lifetime. Whilst these are all excellent reasons, it’s easy to forget that toys play an extremely important part in our child’s development. Children learn through play and having a good range of toys to play with, gives a vast range of learning opportunities.


Friday 28 September 2018

My Child Doesn't Eat

I was recently reading a post written by Lucy discussing her youngest daughters eating habits; it quickly dawned on me that I could have written the post myself about Florrie.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Ashamed to Admit I Bedshare

This post has been languishing in my drafts for months now; it's been one of the most nerve wracking posts that I have published as I know full well a lot of people's views do not reflect my own. Heck, if I had read this post three years ago, I too would have judged about how "irresponsible" it was.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

You're Going To School!

When that 7lb 15oz screaming bundle was first placed into my arms, I never thought that we would be at this stage so soon. Three and a half years seemed like decades away, yet here were are; your first day of school is done and dusted.